Account Opening Consulting Hourly Rate
Many business owners and entrepreneurs are brilliant when it comes to their business - but they don't know about the intricacies of opening an account and business banking.

Many individuals and businesses end up being turned down by their bank for completely avoidable reasons.
- Misunderstanding (or ignoring) the bank's pre-application requirements.
- Overlooking the bank's sensitivities and concerns.
- Not realizing that a face-to-face visit is actually still required.
- Not getting the right documents before applying.
- Applying with the wrong business structure.
- Your business appears high-risk and sketchy...even though it's not.
- You apply for an account (and then have to close it).
- You find that your business can't meet minimum balance or revenue requirements.
- You find that the fees are insanely high AFTER You open the account (and then have to close it).
Don't go in blindly. Don't waste your applications and repeat the same mistakes over and over. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.
Please note, we will not be able to help you if:
- You withheld information or provided false information when you opened your account
- You do not have, and will not provide, records of current and planned transactions
- You have not informed us of important changes in the profile of the company and UBO owners
- You do not respond to bank inquiries