Fund Information. Fund Performance Status.
The Fund Performance Status should aim to provide LPs with sufficient information to assess the performance of the fund as a whole as well as details of the remaining commitments and the expected investment timeframe.
A summary of:
- Total commitments to the fund;
- Cumulative paid-in capital to date;
- Total unfunded commitments available for drawdown (analysed, if desired, between undrawn original commitments and recallable distributions);
- Cumulative management and other fees drawn down outside commitment (where not funded from commitments);
- Cumulative distributions to the investors;
- Recallable distributions, if applicable;
- Total fair value of the current portfolio;
- Total cash, borrowings, other assets and liabilities;
- Total net asset value;
- Gross IRR;
- Gross multiple of cost;
- Fund Net IRR (i.e. after accrual for carried interest and fees), optional during the two years after the first investment;
- Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI);
- Residual value, net of management fees and carried interest, to paid-in capital (RVPI);
- Total value to paid-in capital (TVPI);
- Paid-in capital to committed capital (PiCC);
- Total invested in portfolio companies;
- Total additional capital commitments to portfolio companies.
Additional possible disclosures
- Comparative figures as relevant;
- Best estimate of potential drawdowns and distributions for the next reporting period;
- Total additional planned/reserved for follow-on investments;
- Guarantees made by the fund to or on behalf of portfolio companies, and their impact on fund fair value, if any;
- Net IRR and TVPI adjusted to exclude the impact of the use of bridge/credit facilities.