Key Components of the Portfolio Company's Strategy That are the Responsibility of the Board


A portfolio company's strategy consists of a number of core components that are the responsibility of the board. First and foremost is the development of long-term value creation through current and future revenue streams. The most important value corresponds to existance of such terms as effective and sustainable delivery of appealing products and services, the development of competitive future products and services, the attraction and retention of talent and management capacity, the effective use of available resources (including financial resources), and the acquisition of future financial resources to effectively and efficiently support the Company's growth.


A key component of the industry's investment and ownership model is to ensure that the interests of the portfolio company's board members are aligned.

All board members should seek to understand, support and develop the portfolio company's business strategy and, where appropriate, challenge that strategy in the context of their individual understanding of market, product, service, financial and social developments.

The corporate governance structure implemented by the board should support the strategy. The representatives of GP add value beyond their own personal knowledge, skills and experience, as they can draw on the wealth of knowledge of the entire company GP for the benefit of the portfolio company, if required.