AML Services Outsourcing
Previously unregulated independent financial institutions are now subject to supervision under various financial market laws including AML/CFT. Appropriate corporate AML/CFT rules and business organisation are required to ensure that the financial institution fulfils its legal obligations.
Financial institutions must have an appropriately equipped AML/CFT risk management system and effective internal controls that, among other things, ensure compliance with legal and internal regulations.
Compliance AML/CFT Officer Services
In today's dynamic business environment, many companies, both small and large, outsource various functions in their organisation. Outsourcing AML/CFT frees up existing staff so they can take on other functions, it provides access to skilled expertise, and it also reduces payroll and other overhead costs.
Outsourced AML/CFT compliance officer services can be designed depending on your company's needs. We can perform all of the day-to-day internal compliance functions such as file reviews, record maintenance, transaction and employee monitoring, report preparation, and filing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), to name a few.
Our qualified staff can assist you as needed and perform this function for you.